[HECnet] Who is Area 12?

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Thu Dec 20 04:06:08 PST 2012

On 2012-12-20 13:02, sampsa at mac.com wrote:
Just did my usual SHOW KNOW CIRC on gorvax, and saw an area 12?

They don't seem to be listed in the node database or MIM::DECNET.TXT..

Thanks. A typing error on my part. I had missed getting the "2" in there, so Tim Sneddon was claimed to be holding area 1. Fixed now.

Tim, how about giving me a list of node names now?


Johnny Billquist                                   || "I'm on a bus
                                                                  ||   on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se                         ||   Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                                         ||   tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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