[HECnet] Help requested with issue regarding file transfer...

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Sun Feb 5 08:17:00 PST 2012

On 2012-02-04 18:35, Mark Wickens wrote:
On 04/02/12 17:19, Oleg Safiullin wrote:

Is this proxy command appropriate in this case? I thought maybe it
should be A1$XFER_IN?
Any help gratefully appreciated.

Thanks, Mark.

Not sure, but ADD/PROXY SLAVE::allin1 A1$XFER_OUT/DEF may help.

Hi Oleg,

Unfortunately that didn't help. Proxy access is all completely new to me

I think you're working now, but I figured I could add some comments on proxy access, which might help you and others.

Proxy access is essentially a way for you to specify that a specific user, from a specific machine, should get access rights as a specific other user on the local machine if they do not specify any user information.

As a good example, here is the proxy definitions on MIM::


  Remote User                       Local Account
  -----------                       -------------
*::*                                         DECNET               (DEFAULT)
MAGICA::*                               *                         (DEFAULT)
MIM::*                                     *                         (DEFAULT)

So, anyone on HECnet, with any username, will by default access MIM:: as the user DECNET. (This is because under RSX, there is no default DECnet account, so I implemented the same through proxy, which works if both sides have enabled proxy)
Next line is that BILLQUIST (me) on node ERNIE:: will have access on MIM as user BILLQUIST (well, ok, that is also me). This means I don't have to enter username and passwords on ERNIE when I want to access my stuff on MIM.

Next. Anyone from MAGICA:: will have access on MIM:: with the same username. Since the username databases are (supposedly) synced between MIM and MAGICA, this is a nice thing to do, so people don't have to enter passwords all over the place. They expect to be able to access their files on MIM without hassle, if they are logged in to MAGICA.

Next, anyone on MIM:: can connect to MIM::, getting access with the name he have. Essentially, you can access your own stuff on MIM, even if you go over DECnet, with the correct rights.

Then I also have an entry for me from PONDUS:: to MIM::. Same deal as from ERNIE.

Last is an entry I have for DAVIDSON. I don't remember exactly why I set that one up, but it just allows him to access files on MIM from STARS2, without having to pass credentials.

I hope this will make people understand a little better what proxy is, and how it can be used.


Johnny Billquist                                   || "I'm on a bus
                                                                  ||   on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se                         ||   Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                                         ||   tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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