[HECnet] Cluster problem - %SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 0072832C

Gregg Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 05:04:23 PDT 2013

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:57 PM, Cory Smelosky <b4 at gewt.net> wrote:

On 24 Apr 2013, at 23:52, "Sampsa Laine" <sampsa at mac.com> wrote:

I've somehow managed to screw up the boot node of HILANT, basically KUHAVX will boot fine by itself (VAXCLUSTER set to 0) but when I try to boot it as the boot node for the cluster I get this error:

%SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 0072832C

Any ideas?

Here's the full output:





%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping the SYSDUMP.DMP on the System Disk
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SYSDUMP.DMP on System Disk successfully mapped
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping PAGEFILE.SYS on the System Disk
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SAVEDUMP parameter not set to protect the PAGEFILE.SYS
  OpenVMS (TM) VAX Version V7.3         Major version id = 1 Minor version id = 0
%WBM-I-WBMINFO Write Bitmap has successfully completed initialization.
%SYSINIT, waiting to form or join a VMScluster system
%VAXcluster-I-LOADSECDB, loading the cluster security database
%MSCPLOAD-I-LOADMSCP, loading the MSCP disk server
%CNXMAN,   sending VAXcluster membership request to system SIIRI
%CNXMAN,   now a VAXcluster member -- system KUHAVX
%SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 0072832C

sampsa               <sampsa at mac.com>
mobile +961 788 10537

How are you mounting the system device in SYLOGICALS?

Good point. However what's the system running on? How come we haven't
heard from Dave within the past few days? After all this problem isn't
your fault Sampsa, (The system may live with you, but that's all.)
It's really Dave's fault.

Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

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