[HECnet] Cluster problem - %SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 0072832C

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Thu Apr 25 04:57:51 PDT 2013

On 24 Apr 2013, at 23:52, "Sampsa Laine" <sampsa at mac.com> wrote:

I've somehow managed to screw up the boot node of HILANT, basically KUHAVX will boot fine by itself (VAXCLUSTER set to 0) but when I try to boot it as the boot node for the cluster I get this error:

%SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 0072832C

Any ideas?

Here's the full output:





%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping the SYSDUMP.DMP on the System Disk
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SYSDUMP.DMP on System Disk successfully mapped 
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping PAGEFILE.SYS on the System Disk
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SAVEDUMP parameter not set to protect the PAGEFILE.SYS
  OpenVMS (TM) VAX Version V7.3         Major version id = 1 Minor version id = 0
%WBM-I-WBMINFO Write Bitmap has successfully completed initialization.
%SYSINIT, waiting to form or join a VMScluster system
%VAXcluster-I-LOADSECDB, loading the cluster security database
%MSCPLOAD-I-LOADMSCP, loading the MSCP disk server
%CNXMAN,   sending VAXcluster membership request to system SIIRI
%CNXMAN,   now a VAXcluster member -- system KUHAVX
%SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 0072832C

sampsa	<sampsa at mac.com>
mobile +961 788 10537

How are you mounting the system device in SYLOGICALS?

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