[HECnet] Trying to build SIMH from git (on OpenIndiana)

Brian Hechinger wonko at 4amlunch.net
Wed Mar 13 12:29:29 PDT 2013

On 3/13/2013 3:10 PM, Cory Smelosky wrote:


"Solaris timing uses a real-time clock that can generate interrupts at a resolution bound by the processor speed. For scheduling purposes, it fires every 10 milliseconds. As in Linux, this is a clock "tick." Note that 2.6 Linux uses a 1000-tick/second clock, as opposed to the 100-tick/second clock used by Solaris and by previous versions of Linux. User-level programs on Solaris can program the real time clock to fire at nanosecond granularity, rounded up by processor time--much finer than the clock tick granularity of ten or one milliseconds. However, the program interface to use the high-resolution timers is not visible in the DDI/DKI. See  clock_settime(3rt)  for user-level details andusr/src/uts/common/os/cyclic.c  for details on high-resolution timing in Solaris.
Also note that in Solaris, you can change the value of  hz  or clock ticks/second by setting  hires_tick  to 1 and  hires_hz  to the desired time in the  /etc/system  file. The default is 1000 ticks per second. Here's an example:
set hires_tick=1
set hires_hz=10000 <~--- 10000 ticks per second"

Looks like Solaris can set it in user mode, too.

Are you going to take a stab at this, Mark? If not, I will.


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