[HECnet] Vt100 tester

John Wilson wilson at dbit.com
Mon Mar 4 11:22:46 PST 2013

From: "Jerome H. Fine" <jhfinedp3k at compsys.to>

At the risk of being extremely stupid, I would also appreciate
being able to run the same tests - just for the sake of knowing
what is being discussed.   However, as a simple PDP-11 fellow,
I can't run VMS stuff and all I found was source for VMS.

Did you run the VTTEST code using a PDP-11?   If so, which
operating system?   Was that a real PDP-11 or E11?

It was Brian's great-escape.tmesis.com setup (which is awesome!!!).

For E11, I used the undocumented (because it's too easy to trip up and the
lack of DNS is annoying) TELNET command in the DOS version (only):

	; great-escape.tmesis.com
	; log in with VTTEST (no password) to test VT100 compatibility
	net start ether-0 dhcp eth0:
	def key f1 = "telnet"+chr$(13)
	def key f2 = "VTTEST"+chr$(13)

So start E11 with this command file, then press F1 to connect, and F2
at the login prompt.

For the real VT100 and VT101, I used Linux.   I don't have a getty on my
COM port so I did "telnet </dev/ttyS0 >/dev/ttyS0" and once that started up,
"stty ixon </dev/ttyS0" from another console so that XON/XOFF is honored
(lots of SUBs without that, and if you do it before starting telnet, the
ixon flag gets cleared when /dev/ttyS0 is reopened -- I don't use stty
enough to remember the switch that makes changes stick).

Then "open great-escape.tmesis.com" on the VT100 and you're off.

John Wilson
D Bit

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