[HECnet] Vt100 tester

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Wed Mar 6 11:15:31 PST 2013

On 6 Mar 2013, at 14:12, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:

On 03/06/2013 01:50 PM, Cory Smelosky wrote:
|     I suspect it's not trying to "compete", at least not any more than,
| say, the desks (not the desktops, but the DESKS) in the offices, etc.
| It's an appliance; it sits there and does its job.   There's no valid
| reason to change it.
|     There's an odd consumerist attitude that goes something like "oh,
|     the
| manufacturer has introduced a new model, this one must somehow suck
| now,
| I'd better replace it!"...That attitude is common in the worlds of
| computers and cars, but not much else.   If Great Neck (a
| common-in-USA
| manufacturer of cheap-but-usable hand tools) introduces a new model
| of
| hammer, I'm not going to throw my old one (probably twenty years old)
| and rush out to buy the new one.   That would be stupid...and it's
| just
| as stupid with computers and cars.

How do you even add new features to a hammer?   Do you make it electric and capable of making coffee? ;)

I dunno, but you can bet yer butt that somewhere there's some clueless
moron who is trying to figure out a way to replace a hammer with a
Windows box.

Hmm.   I wonder if it'd be possible to make a USB-powered hammer   

What's the USB spec say is the maximum length of a USB cable without signal amplification?

|     Again I have no idea. (this is my mother's place of employment,
|     1200mi
| from here, not mine)   Let's put it this way, though...it's likely
| that
| this machine is running VMS, and it's not at all unusual for VMS
| systems
| to have uptimes in the 5+ year range.   If it didn't get those sorts
| of
| uptimes, it probably would've annoyed someone and gotten replaced by
| now.

Try managing uptimes like that with linux! ;)

I do, at least 2-3 years, but not quite to the level of VMS.

That's more my point.   Linux can stay up for awhile   at the risk of kernel-level security issues.   But not on the level of VMS.

I do still intend to prove that NT 4 can stay up for awhile if administrated properly.


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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