[HECnet] Useful RSX stuff

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Sat May 4 16:02:25 PDT 2013

I thought I'd plug a little for a few utilities and tools that I have used, sometimes, for years under RSX, that others might not know about, but find useful.

All of these can be found on MIM::DU:[4,54] unless stated otherwise. Let me know if you are interested in sources, as I usually have those as well, but in various places.

COD - Convert files to/from plain text files. Useful when you want to transfer files over a network where various file attributes might not be preserved.

DOB - Disassemble object files.

EDTACD,EMAACD,EXP - Get line editing both at the CLI prompt and in programs. Also gives you filename expansion in the CLI. EDTACD have EDT-like keybindings, while EMAACD have EMACS-like bindings. EXP is the task that helps with the filename expansions.

ERR - Given a number, gives the error symbol and explanation. Both for DSW, QIO results, FCS and RMS. Can also be fed symbol names, and gives you the numeric value.

FINGER/CHFN - A finger (see Unix) like system.

GREP - Similar to the Unix tool. Can also search from stdin as well as redirect stdout to a file.

MKE/MKERES/MKEFSL - A make program in the same style as Unix make. This one is patterned on BSD make.

ORC - Disassemble object files.

RNO - Bonner Lab RUNOFF, with some fixes by me.

SPELL - Spell checker (from DECUS)

SRD - The well known directory program, with Y2K updates and fixes by me.

SYM - A program to extract symbol information from object files or STB files.

TAIL - Similar to Unix tail.

TEC - TECO V40 for RSX (fixed by me).

TECKEN - A simple character display program. Type text, and see what really comes through.

TIN - Task Information. Check various bits of information about task files.

TPC/BIGTPC - The DECUS Tape copy program.

UPTIME - Show uptime, load and name of system.

USH - Unix style pipes in RSX. Inspired by the PIPE command in VMS.

VTL - The DECUS program to view files in a nice way.

I hope some people might be interested/find them useful. Some of them works equally well in both 11M and M+, but some are very M+ only.


Johnny Billquist                                   || "I'm on a bus
                                                                  ||   on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se                         ||   Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                                         ||   tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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