[HECnet] Multinet protocol description

Peter Lothberg roll at Stupi.SE
Thu May 9 04:44:35 PDT 2013

On May 8, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Bob Armstrong wrote:

I vaguely remember reading that there's simh support for it, but I don't
see it. =20
I don't think there's any specific simh support for a Multinet port, but
you can of course run Multinet "thru" simh (i.e. install Multinet on a si=
VAX/VMS system and tunnel DECnet thru the simh emulated Ethernet
controller). =20
I assume you're asking about a simh invention that talks to a remote
Multinet VAX/VMS system on the simh host side and pretends to be some oth=
device (like a DMR/DUP/DMV/whatever) on the simulated side - I've never s=
anything like that.
DECnet/Linux can supposedly emulate a Multinet tunnel.   Is that what
you're thinking of?   But in that case you're running DECnet on the Linux
host and simh has nothing to do with it.

I want to learn how to make my DECnet speak Multinet.   Rob mentioned wantin=
g to do the same for his "user mode router".   So it would be another DECnet=
datalink.   Point to point or Ethernet-like?

Yes, I saw the DECnet/Linux code.   It's rather puzzling because it seems to=
tie into a tun/tap device -- so it expects Ethernet behavior.   But then it=
converts to short headers, which suggests point to point behavior.   Which =
is it?   The data headers are only a tiny part of the difference between the=
two datalink flavors...


Multinet is a PTP driver, it can speak UDP or TCP and there was a message
a year sgo or so here on th meailinglist from the people at TGV that did it
explaining the details.


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