[HECnet] Public "dropbox" type directory?

Sampsa Laine sampsa at mac.com
Tue Oct 8 03:38:08 PDT 2013

Just a suggestion.   Why not have TWO directories?

(a)   WRITE   ONLY - anyone can send files to it - normally named:   INCOMING

(b)   READ   ONLY - anyone can read any file

Just in case, you can (probably should) monitor
what is added to (a), then copy it over to (b)
ONLY after it is checked.   Having (a) which
only you can look at (you might allow the contents
to be displayed, but I would not recommend it)
provides much better security.   I also suggest that
for any file larger that 10 MB, an MD5 checksum
also be sent so you can verify the large file was
sent correctly.

I thought of doing this, but it requires manual intervention, delays etc. so I decided to go with the on directory approach, with the expectation that people on HECnet are reasonably responsible.

If there is a huge amount of abuse / corrupted files I'll rethink the strategy.

Thanks for the tip though.

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