[HECnet] VT-62?

John Wilson wilson at dbit.com
Thu Oct 3 06:10:11 PDT 2013

From: "Jerome H. Fine" <jhfinedp3k at compsys.to>

As for EDT, I have heard of it, but never found any details.   Is there
a LINK you can provide to a manual for EDT?   Briefly, what
additional features did EDT support over KED?   If there were so
many extra features, please pick just 3 or even 2 from EDT that you
especially found to be so much of an improvement over KED?

I only ever learned to use about 1% of EDT and it was already way more
than KED.   I think the turning point for EDT was V2.0 (which I think was
where it started to smell more like KED).   The craziest thing is that it's
four editors (that I know of) in one:

	(a) "change" mode with keypad enabled -- the KED-like mode that
	      most people actually use.

	(b) "change" mode with NOKEYPAD -- which is not modeless, so it's
	      about as annoying as "vi" on Unix (e.g. "itext$" to insert text,
	      instead of just typing text), but naturally not compatible with
	      it or anything else.

	(c) "change" mode on a hardcopy terminal -- kinky!!!   maybe a
	      little more TECO-like, minus the power (so I guess maybe it's
	      more EDIT.SAV-like then?).

	(d) line mode -- which is like pretty much any other line editor.

Besides that, EDT has a near-infinite number of features.   Multiple
buffers are certainly a huge one.   And yet, no LOCAL -- KED's greatest
single features!

John Wilson
D Bit

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