[HECnet] VT-62?

Sampsa Laine sampsa at mac.com
Wed Oct 2 22:22:22 PDT 2013

On 2 Oct 2013, at 23:17, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:

It's available packaged pretty much everywhere, but building it from
source borders on the trivial.   It builds on most every reasonable
platform out there, and some that aren't so reasonable.   This has been
the case for decades.

On that note, for any fellow OS X users here, I highly recommend Aquamacs -
it's the COCOAized (== OS X UI) version of Emacs, comes with pretty much
everything a normal emacs build comes with (including EDT emulation as 
I discovered 10 minutes ago).

It's free of course: http://aquamacs.org

(I'm not involved in the project or anything, just REALLY like editor)

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