[HECnet] VT-62?

John Wilson wilson at dbit.com
Tue Oct 1 05:12:52 PDT 2013

From: "Jerome H. Fine" <jhfinedp3k at compsys.to>

In another 30 years, it is almost certain that no one will even know
what these terminals are, let alone that any will actually work or that
there will be systems to use them with.

Even after the first 30 years, here's a dumb question:   what color is
a VT52?   Mine (which does work) is a nice cirty yellow, like coffee-stained
linoleum, even after a good scrub.   But when I was working on an icon for
emulated VT52 sessions, it occurred to me that making it look like *my*
VT52 might be dumb.   Were VT52s always yellowish, or did they begin life
as sparkly white as the bottom of a VT100 keyboard, and it takes 30 years
of sunburn to get them where they are now?   I bought the stuff to make
some Retro-Brite ages ago but still haven't gotten around to mixing it up.

John Wilson
D Bit

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