[HECnet] RSTS/E started emitting "?EVTLOG (BLDNIC) -- %Integer error" messages

Paul Koning paulkoning at comcast.net
Fri Nov 12 13:07:04 PST 2021

> On Nov 12, 2021, at 3:49 PM, Thomas DeBellis <tommytimesharing at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not 100% sure, but I don't believe that ITS/Tops-20/TENEX Emacs quite does this.  It is built on top of TECO, which you will recall as a language that is so terse that it looks like line noise.  I don't think it's a very big stretch to compare it a byte code interpreter.
> I do not recall that the EMACS libraries that are loaded are not quite compiled.  They have all the comments and unnecessary white space stripped out, which would, of course speed execution.
> gnuEmacs does a similar thing for the LISP code; it's still interpreted as I recall.
> On 11/12/21 10:59 AM, Johnny Billquist wrote:
>> RMS kept the idea alive in Emacs, where even today you fire up the core system, load all kind of libraries, and then you do a memory dump, which is the runnable Emacs image. 
>>   JOhnny 

I think Johnny was talking about current Emacs.  That might explain why it's hard to port -- for example, there is a Mac version (AquaMacs) but no Arm64 (Apple M1 chip) version because of the trickery associated with the dump machinery.


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