[HECnet] LSSM group visit today

Keith Halewood Keith.Halewood at pitbulluk.org
Tue Nov 16 10:15:42 PST 2021

Wonderful to have students like that. Many years ago, I had to help tutor disinterested engineering students through the delights of VAX Pascal.
Some of them couldn't even grasp why they'd get the same results, errors mostly, if they missed out a step, usually the LINK stage.
I believe most of them went on to become .NET developers :)

And that's me reminiscing through amber-tinted spectacles, or rather, amber phosphor'd Plessey PT100 terminals.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hecnet at Update.UU.SE [mailto:owner-hecnet at Update.UU.SE] On Behalf Of Dave McGuire
Sent: 15 November 2021 21:57
To: hecnet at Update.UU.SE
Subject: [HECnet] LSSM group visit today

    LSSM hosted a CompSci class from Carnegie-Mellon University today, a for-credit class trip and project.  They all learned the Forth language, rather well I might add, and wrote their own demos, on one of our PDP-11/70s.  Here are some pics:


   The 11/70 isn't pictured, but you all know what those look like. 
It's the one on the Wikipedia "PDP-11" page, though that's a very old picture from when it was at my home.

   (please excuse the falling front window sign, it's disintegrating and we're awaiting its replacement)

    I mention this here in case anyone is interested, and the machine, FANG::, is on HECnet whenever it's running. (which is my tenuous link to


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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