Rebirth - Karen Gunderson

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sun Mar 4 07:08:17 PST 2018


Primordial, primal, intuitive
ancient knowing eyes — that are
looking out onto a vast sea 
of pinkish lotus flowers
each year rising unrestrained 
from their dense and murky muddy floor
patient — arriving into the sunlit air
leaves appear, then the flowers bloom
to view the dark green forest
ancient as the fossil flower
both here long before man

i have come to listen to this place
that i somehow seem to know
to put my cold feet into the water
that warms them like the sun 
soul has told me 
i have been here before 
running naked through the woods
placing lotus seeds in wooden bowls
feeling the gentle rain at night
just being human — ancient and modern
in many different skins

	- Karen Gunderson

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