Santa Rosa rally to launch campaign for California's Clean Car Act Thursday, March 22

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sun Mar 4 12:17:15 PST 2018

Public launch and rally in support of AB 1745

Thursday, March 22
doors open at 5:30, rally from 6:00 – 7:30

Glaser Center, 547 Mendocino, Santa Rosa, 95401
Free – refreshments will be served

The Center for Climate Protection is launching a campaign in support <> of Assembly Bill 1745, the proposed Clean Car Act for California authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting. AB 1745 <> would allow only new Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEVs) to register in California starting in 2040. The act would leverage market forces to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Transportation is the largest source of California’s greenhouse gas pollution, and therefore represents the largest opportunity for smart climate policy.

Join us: Register below

Join us on March 22nd to help us kick off the Clean Cars Campaign. The event will feature speakers on the issue and actions you can take to help us pass this momentous legislation.

Regarding the 2040 date for registering only new ZEVs, as called for in California’s proposed AB 1745, the Center for Climate Protection and other organizations argue that a date closer in time, such as 2030, is more in keeping with the scientific imperative for climate, and with countries’ and cities’ recently-made commitments. From another angle, experts such as Tony Seba, whose specialty is disruption, argue that market forces will cause the widespread abandonment of gas and diesel-powered vehicles long before 2040.

An idea whose time has come

As with other big movements that reflect an era’s zeitgeist, AB 1745 builds on other clean car efforts going on locally, statewide, and worldwide. Locally, for example, Sonoma Clean Power just announced the results of their latest round of Drive Evergreen incentives. There are now 565 more electric vehicles in Sonoma County, thanks to Drive Evergreen.

Statewide, on January 26, Governor Brown announced a $2.5 billion effort to incentivize electric vehicles to put 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030. Reaching this goal will require that 40 percent of vehicles sold in 2030 be clean.

Worldwide, 15 countries representing a total of 3.2 billion people have made commitments to a ZEV-only future or established targets and incentives. Twenty cities as diverse as Paris, Delhi, Cape Town, Auckland, Mexico City, and Seattle pledged to reach zero emission transportation in designated areas by 2030. And major automakers across the globe including Ford, GM, Volvo, and others are dramatically increasing or committing exclusively to ZEV production in the near future.

It's time for California to take the lead on clean transportation. 

Event Location
Glaser Center
547 Mendocino Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

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