[Pollinator] FW: Symposium invitations - Please Help!

Kimberly Winter nappcoordinator at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 4 13:44:51 PDT 2006

Dear NAPPC Partners and Friends:

As we gear up for the first-ever NAPPC Pollinator Symposium, the "Pollinator
Partnership," scheduled for Oct. 18th at the USDA Jefferson Auditorium, we

In order to get the word out to as many different stakeholder groups as
possible, we are hoping that you will help us to compile a list of
institutions, individuals, Embassies, organizations, and other groups that
you feel should be invited to this important outreach event.

Please take a few moments to contribute "key contact" information (names,
addresses, emails) for your recommended invitees.

An official invitation to the Symposium will be forthcoming.  There will be
a number of interesting speakers, videos, and activities involved in the
event.  It will showcase the many issues affecting pollinators, and give the
audience a great incentive for joining our efforts to promote pollinator
conservation throughout North America and beyond.

A brief description of some of the anticipated audience members is listed

"A one day symposium for policy makers; Congressional and Embassy
representatives; agricultural interests; public and private land management;
foundations; conservation organizations; mining and utility management;
gardening, landscaping and botanic garden interests; golf, recreation and
hunting interests; environmentally engaged religious and corporate
organizations; industry; builders, planners, construction and those
interested in sustainable development."

Thank you in advance for your suggestions, and I'll look forward to seeing
you in October!


Kim Winter, Ph.D.
International Coordinator
North American Pollinator Protection Campaign

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