[Pollinator] Bumblebees needed, please forward widely!
Sheila Colla
scolla at yorku.ca
Mon Oct 26 13:10:32 PDT 2009
While bumblebees seem to be a pretty well studied group of insects, we’ve run
into a few taxonomic grey areas in North America. The NAPPC Bumblebee task
force met last week and suggested we figure things out by using DNA barcoding
as we have this resource available to us. Below are species and geographic
areas where specimens (<10 years old) are most urgently needed. We only need
one or two specimens from various locations. If you have access to these
specimens and can spare a few, please contact me (Sheila Colla) at
scolla at yorku.ca or Cory Sheffield at corysheffield at yahoo.ca . Thanks!
-B. ternarius
-B. pensylvanicus
-B. fervidus
-B. californicus
-B. nevadensis
-B. occidentalis and B. terricola
-B. ashtoni
-Any representative bumblebee specimens from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the
Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma
-Any representative bumblebee specimens from Alaska, Northwest territories,
Yukon, Nunavut, northern Canadian provinces, Ellesmere Island etc.
Sheila Colla <scolla at yorku.ca>
Ph.D. Candidate (Biology)
Website: www.savethebumblebees.com
Address: Biology Department
York University
4700 Keele St.
Toronto, ON
M3J 1P3
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