[Pollinator] Fwd: [beemonitoring] BIML Species Level Bee Identification Course - April 201...

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Tue Feb 1 10:10:47 PST 2011

 From: sdroege at usgs.gov
To: beemonitoring at yahoogroups.com
Sent: 2/1/2011  5:00:44 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Subj: [beemonitoring] BIML Species Level  Bee Identification Course - April 
2011 - Registration Information



We have established the date for the species level Bee ID workshop this  
year and after permitting people who had emailed me personally about their  
interest to sign up the beemontoring listserv gets the next crack at  
registration.  All classes have always filled so don't hesitate to get in  touch 
with me as soon as possible so that we lock up a space for you.  At  the end of 
the week I will send the announcement out to other  listservs. 

As in the last few  years the class will be at the beautiful USFWS National 
Conservation Training  Center in West Virginia.  The official announcement 
follows.  We  promise good weather and lots of spring bees! 


Native Bee Identification, Ecology, Research and Monitoring  

Course Dates: April 11-15 , 2011  
Course Location: National Conservation  Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV 
(_http://training.fws.gov/_ (http://training.fws.gov/) ) 
Course Leaders:  Rob  Jean, Alana Taylor, Sam Droege 
Course  Length: 5 days/36 hours 

Course  Description:   
The primary goal  of this course is to provide participants the tools 
necessary to identify bees  to species.  To do that instructor ratios will be 
kept at 1 instructor to  8 participants.  We will assume that students ALREADY 
have access to  microscopes at their lab or home, will have read up on the 
basic literature on  bee genera we have provided, and will have already 
PRACTICED keying out bees  to the genus level.  We will emphasize learning to use 
online guides, how  to identify tricky characters within groups such as 
Osmia, Lasioglossum,  Andrena, Nomada and will be showing these characters to 
the class on  projecting microscopes.  A large collection of Eastern North 
American  bees will be available for your use; surplus specimens will be 
available free  for your personal collection. 

In  conjunction with learning identification skills there will be lectures 
on bee  natural history, monitoring, and research techniques.  We will be 
going  out in the field throughout the week to set traps and net bees so that  
participants can see the entire spectrum of field to microscope work.  We  
encourage participants to be bring a net, pins, and collection boxes and we  
will provide you with traps and processing equipment.  You are also  
encouraged to bring your own specimens with you and we can help with  
identification, as time permits.   You will need to bring a laptop, but  microscopes and 
lights will be provided. 

Who Should Attend:  Federal, state, county and municipal agencies,  private 
consulting firms, citizen volunteers, neighborhood associations,  
environmental organizations, and teachers, performing native pollinator  assessments 
or monitoring programs; with a desire to improve their  identification 

How to  apply: To register, email Sam Droege (sdroege at usgs.gov).  First 
come,  first serve 

Cost:  Tuition is  waived for the first 5 FWS employees to register; for 
the remainder tuition is  $250 U.S.  Food is available at the training center 
and lodging is  available in nearby Shepherdstown and the surrounding area.  

Questions:  Please contact  Sam Droege, sdroege at usgs.gov, USGS Patuxent 
Wildlife Research Center  

Note:  You will not find this  in the NCTC course catalog as is it 
considered a special event rather than a  USFWS course. Signing up is made only by 
contacting Sam Droege and payments  will be made to the Polistes Foundation 
at the time of the course. 

Sam Droege  sdroege at usgs.gov    
w  301-497-5840 h 301-390-7759 fax 301-497-5624
USGS Patuxent Wildlife  Research Center
BARC-EAST, BLDG 308, RM 124 10300 Balt. Ave., Beltsville,  MD  20705
_Http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov_ (http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/)  

All Green 

All green  
are grateful
all  fungi
in rain.
- Elizabeth Caffrey
P Bees are not  optional. 

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