[Pollinator] Fwd: Application Period is Now Open for EPA's National Award for Smart Growth...

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Wed Feb 23 19:14:12 PST 2011

 From: White.Roberta at epamail.epa.gov
Sent: 2/23/2011 4:08:35 A.M. Pacific  Standard Time
Subj: Application Period is Now Open for EPA's  National Award for 
Smart Growth Achievement

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is  pleased to announce
that the application period for the 10th annual  National Award for Smart
Growth Achievement is now open . Through this  award, EPA recognizes and
supports communities that have successfully used  smart growth principles
to improve communities environmentally, socially,  and economically. Open
to public- and private-sector entities, winners will  be recognized at a
ceremony in Washington, DC, in December 2011.

To  view the application and complete entry guidelines, please  visit:

Overview of  the Awards:
· Entry deadline is April 6,  2011.
· Applicants may be public- or private-sector  entities, but all
applications must include a  public-sector partner. Applications
for  public-nonprofit activities are welcome but must be submitted
by the public-sector participant.
· Awards will  be given for the following four categories:
Programs, Policies, and Regulations:   This category
recognizes regulatory and policy initiatives that
support the principles of  smart growth. EPA is
particularly interested in actions that remove
barriers to or provide  incentives for smart growth.
Smart Growth and Green Building:  This  category
recognizes development that combines smart growth and
green building approaches as  building design and
materials are integrated with land use and location
efficiency. Projects may be  single or multiple
Civic Places:  This category recognizes projects in
the public realm that  improve a community's sense of
place while adding environmental and economic
benefits. EPA is  particularly interested in projects
that create well-designed and vibrant public  spaces.
Rural Smart Growth:  This category recognizes
communities that preserve and  encourage rural
economies and character. EPA is interested in thriving
rural areas that have used  smart growth approaches to
encourage economic development and job creation,
improve transportation  choices and housing options,
and support the economic viability of working  lands.
· An “Overall Excellence" winner will be chosen  from the four
categories by the review panels.
For  additional information, please  visit
or contact Ted  Cochin  (cochin.ted at epa.gov),  202-566-2181.

Roberta Lane White, Management  Analyst
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Sustainable  Communities
Mail Code:  1807T
1200 Pennsylvania Ave.,  N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20460


EPA is accepting  letters of interest for Sustainable Communities
Building Blocks technical  assistance until February 23, 2011.  See
http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/buildingblocks.htm for  information.

EPA is accepting applications for the National Award for  Smart Growth
Achievement until April 6, 2011.   See
http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/awards.htm for more  information.
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