[Pollinator] for discussion: should honeybees be allowed into conservation/protected areas?

Peter Loring Borst peterlborst at cornell.edu
Wed Mar 21 10:15:22 PDT 2012

On Mar 17, 12, at 8:57 AM, Randell Verhoek wrote:

> In my opinion wherever possible if beekeepers could have access to conservation areas that have enough flowers to make sense to keep bees there, it would be a benefit to our country where only good will be the outcome.

Thanks for the balanced point of view. I was reluctant to enter the fray, as this is a contentious topic. However, there is a mountain of evidence to show that natural bee populations vary radically from year to year, so it would be nearly impossible to prove that introduced honey bees had a negative effect. Sort of like pouring water into the ocean, the tide keeps going up and down no matter what we do.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Peter Loring Borst
128 Lieb Road
Spencer, NY  14883
607 280 4253

I take the trouble to protest against these assumptions, because they are not merely harmless fancies, but theories that are apt to paralyse action and encourage scientific indolence. -- James Crichton-Browne	

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