[Pollinator] Update: Fwd: recent publications on wild pollinators contributions ...

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Thu Jan 10 12:13:08 PST 2013

 From: carol at caroldunk.com
To: Ladadams at aol.com
Sent: 1/10/2013 5:22:19  A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Subj: Re: [Pollinator] Fwd: recent publications on  wild pollinators 
contributions to almond crop pol...


And also another good read from David  Inouye:


Carol  Dunk
On 1/9/2013 7:58 PM, _Ladadams at aol.com_ (mailto:Ladadams at aol.com)  wrote:

Laurie  Davies Adams
Executive Director
Pollinator Partnership
423  Washington St., Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94111
_www.pollinator.org_ (http://www.pollinator.org/) 
_www.nappc.org_ (http://www.nappc.org/) 
_LDA at pollinator.org_ (mailto:LDA at pollinator.org) 

Join us on _Facebook_ 
(http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Pollinator-Partnership/48680445464)  and _Twitter!_ (http://twitter.com/pollinators)   

 From: _ckremen at gmail.com_ (mailto:ckremen at gmail.com) 
Reply-to: _ckremen at berkeley.edu_ (mailto:ckremen at berkeley.edu) 
Sent:  1/9/2013 9:31:29 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Subj: recent publications  on wild pollinators contributions to almond crop 

Dear colleagues  

Almond production is a $3 billion industry in California that  produces 80% 
of the global almond supply, and it is highly dependent on  managed honey 
bees for its success.  Please find attached 3 recent  publications on the 
role of wild pollinators in almond crop production.  The one that came out 
today in Proc. Royal Society of London - B  demonstrates how interactions 
between native wild pollinators and managed  honey bees enhance the effectiveness 
of honey bee pollination, leading to  enhanced fruit set.  The earlier 
publications demonstrate how wild  pollinators are complementary to honey bees in 
how they forage within the  tree, and provide enhanced pollination services 
relative to honey bees  under poor weather conditions, and the role of 
natural habitat in  influencing wild pollinator abundance, diversity and 
services on farms.  Together, these papers help make the case for the important 
role of  wild pollinator diversity in food production.

best wishes


Claire Kremen, Professor 
Environmental  Sciences Policy and Management
130 Mulford Hall
University of  California 
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114

Fax  510-643-5438








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