[Pollinator] MEDIA RELEASE: Important Honey Bee Health Research Grants Funded

Kelly Rourke kr at pollinator.org
Tue Apr 3 17:44:56 PDT 2018

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Tom Van Arsdall tva at pollinator.org 703.509.4746

Kelly Rourke kr at pollinator.org 415.362.1137

*April 3, 2018*

*Important Honey Bee Health Research Grants Funded *

*New Grants Fund Research on Honey Bee Population Decline *

Donations from *Pollinator Partnership’s (P2)* generous supporters and a
grant from *USDA APHIS*, have resulted in the funding of 5 new research
projects related to honey bee health issues.  These projects will conduct
valuable scientific investigations that will shed light on the decline of
honey bees in North America.

The Honey Bee Heath Task Force of the North American Pollinator Protection
Campaign (NAPPC), under the co-chairmanship of *Dr. Deborah Delaney,
University of Delaware, Dr. Jay Evans, USDA Beltsville Bee Lab, and Dr.
Olav Rueppell, University of North Carolina-Greensboro*, solicits proposals
each year in January from University professors, researchers, and graduate
students who are pioneering novel approaches to understanding honey bee
nutrition, genetics, pathogens, diagnostics and pesticide issues. Research
topics are diverse and aim to support bees and beekeepers.

This year the NAPPC Honey Bee Health Task Force convened and expert panel
to review the proposals which included *Val Dolcini, Danielle Downey,
Gloria Degrandi-Hoffman, Ph.D., Lora Morandin, Ph.D., Robyn Rose, Ph.D.,
Olav Rueppell, Ph. D., and Barry Thompson, Ph.D.*,. The committee funded 5
outstanding research projects that advance the science supporting practical
applications in honey bee management and conservation. Chosen from the many
high caliber applications submitted to the NAPPC Task Force, the following
projects have been funded and will report their progress at the annual
NAPPC International Conference in Washington D.C, October 16-18, 2018:

·         *Dr. May Berenbaum at University of Illinois* is investigating
the effect of sub lethal tank-mix pesticides in combination with honey
phytochemicals on queen cell nursing behavior and queen quality.

·         *Alexander Burnham at University of Vermont* is focusing on
shared honey bee and bumble bee viruses and demonstrating the floral
transmission route.

·         *Dr. Erin Calfee at UC Davis* is studying to identify key loci
for honey bee stock improvement using genomic signatures of selection in
Africanized bees.

·         *Dr. Marce Lorenzen at North Carolina State University* is
researching the development of an RNAi-based strategy for small hive beetle

·         *Dr. Rod Merrill at the University of Guelph* is investigating
natural products to control American foulbrood in honeybees.

The majority of funding for the 2018 Honey Bee Health grants came from a
research partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and APHIS with
help from National Program Manager, Dr. Robyn Rose. Honey Bee Health Grants
have been distributed for the past 11 years, totaling more than $600,000 in
research support for 63 research programs in Canada, the United States, and
Mexico. Additional funding is needed every year and tax-deductible
donations are a meaningful way individuals can help honey bees. Contact
Kelly Rourke at Pollinator Partnership at kr at pollinator.org or at
415.362.1137 to become a supporter of the program.

The request for proposals for 2019 research projects will be distributed in
November 2019. Visit www.pollinator.org/honeybee-health for more



For over 15 years, NAPPC has brought together stakeholders form all sectors
of the pollinator issue in a collaborative partnership to support
pollinator health across the North American continent.  More than any other
single organization, the collective effort of these 160 plus organizations
has made pollinator health a feature in conservation landscape management.
>From its many Task Forces, NAPPC affects change and moves solid science
into real progress on the ground.  Managed by the Pollinator Partnership,
more can be found about NAPPC at www.nappc.org.


Established in 1997, Pollinator Partnership is the largest 501(c) 3
non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to the health, protection,
and conservation of all pollinating animals. Pollinator Partnership’s
actions for pollinators include education, conservation, restoration,
policy, and research.  P2’s financial support comes through grants, gifts,
memberships and donations from any interested party.  Its policies are
science-based, set by its board of directors, and never influenced by any
donor.  To make a donation or for information on events during Pollinator
Week, visit www.pollinator.org.

See more pollinator news at http://pollinator.org/in-the-news

Kelly Rourke

Senior Program Manager

Pollinator Partnership

423 Washington Street, 5th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94111

e:  kr at pollinator.org

w:  www.pollinator.org

p:  415.362.1137

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