[Pollinator] Missouri - Discoverlife Bee Guides now cover this state ...and more to come

Droege, Sam sdroege at usgs.gov
Fri Aug 31 07:22:34 PDT 2018


Mike Arduser is starting a project to expand the Discoverlife Guides to the
following states


First step is uploading state lists to the existing guides.

We have done that upgrade for the state of Missouri....but only for those
species that are already in the guides (the vast majority of Missouri are
indeed already in the guides).

So, what you are missing if you are identifying bees in Missouri are the
species of bees that exist in the state but are not found in the existing
guides.  Thus the guides are now usable for Missouri, except for some rare
prairie species that just sneak into the state as well as a few undescribed
species.  Those will be added later.

Mike is working on state lists for the remaining states and when they are
entered we will let you know.

After all state lists are added, Mike will start working on adding the new
species, adding new guide characters and states to better differentiate
these new species form the old ones, and other general tweaking.

Please pass this on to those who would be interested.


To the Evening Star: Central Minnesota

Under the water tower at the edge of town

A huge Airedale ponders a long ripple
In the grass fields beyond.
Miles off, a whole grove silently
Flies up into the darkness.
One light comes on in the sky,
One lamp on the prairie.

Beautiful daylight of the body, your hands carry seashells.
West of this wide plain,
Animals wilder than ours
Come down from the green mountains in the darkness.
Now they can see you, they know
The open meadows are safe.

         - James Wright

*Why Did you Mow My Flowers? *
*- Bee*
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