[Pollinator] Fwd: Looking for bumble bee survey sites in Ohio: can you help?

Amber Barnes ab at pollinator.org
Fri Jan 12 09:54:49 PST 2018

Hello all,

I'm forwarding along this message I received from Denise Ellsworth. Please
share far and wide if you know anyone in Ohio with habitat that fits the
specifications below and would allow researchers to survey their land for
bumble bees.

Thank you!

Hi all! The Ohio bee survey team (led by OSU’s Karen Goodell and Akron U’s
Randy Mitchell) is looking for possible bumble bee survey sites in Ohio,
particularly in southeastern and border counties. Ideally, locations would
be 1-3 acres (or more) in size, and be full of flowers in summer (meadow,
prairie). A patch of woods nearby is a plus. These can be public or private
Counties in need for the 2018 bee survey are in gray. Counties in purple
with black dots indicate areas surveyed in 2017. Dotted lines encompass
areas with historical sightings of the rusty patched bumble bee, so sites
in those areas are of particular interest.

To suggest a survey location, visit:

Everyone can help by joining the Ohio Bee Atlas project on iNaturalist.
Participants upload bee images to the project — they don't have to ID the
bee to participate! This is a great citizen science project for OCVNers,
Master Gardeners and 4-H participants and volunteers. Learn more here.

Questions? Please contact me at: ellsworth.2 at osu.edu

Thanks for any help you can provide in finding sites!


*Denise Ellsworth*
Program Director, Honey Bee and Native Pollinator Education
*Department of Entomology/Extension*
*The Ohio State University*
1680 Madison Ave, Wooster, OH 44691
ellsworth.2 at osu.edu beelab.osu.edu

Amber Barnes
Wildlife Biologist and Program Coordinator,
Great Lakes Region
Pollinator Partnership
423 Washington Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
e: ab at pollinator.org
w: www.pollinator.org
p: 415-362-1137
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