[Pollinator] Pollinator Week in Melbourne Australia!

Peter Bernhardt peter.bernhardt at slu.edu
Sat Nov 9 17:01:58 PST 2019

My former PhD advisor, Malcolm Calder, sent me the following link.  This is something I never thought I'd see.  Let's hope they have it every year and activities are covered by "The Science show."  Will it spread to every Australian state?


From: Malcolm <acacias at bigpond.net.au>
Sent: Saturday, November 9, 2019 6:32 PM
To: Peter Bernhardt <peter.bernhardt at slu.edu>
Subject: [External] How Victoria's 'Snow in the Paddocks' melted away - and is being saved

Hi peter
I found this article from The Age that you might be interested in:
Today is the start of pollination week in Australia!!!  Can you imagine?
Check the link.  https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://Australianpollinatorweek.org.au__;!euKmGKuCglU!aVNYWm5cst2KaOwTWCcWSnEUszMsg0vPVzjNv1dLQs5NTqqEBaUDsVNaGmnBH43N$


Happy reading .     Malcolm and Jane

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