[Pollinator] Fwd: Special Pollinator Book Discounts! | Princeton University Press

Laurie Adams lda at pollinator.org
Tue May 4 09:15:52 PDT 2021

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Steve Stillman <Steve_Stillman at press.princeton.edu>
Date: Tue, May 4, 2021 at 8:14 AM
Subject: Special Pollinator Book Discounts! | Princeton University Press
Cc: Barbara Tonetti <Barbara_Tonetti at press.princeton.edu>

Hello from Princeton University Press!

With Pollinator Week approaching, I'm reaching out to offer your members a *30%
discount* on our collection of books about pollinators--including the
forthcoming Common Bees of Eastern North America
by Olivia Messinger Carril and Joseph S. Wilson, which is now available for

*Check out these titles covered under the 30% discount:  *

Common Bees of Eastern North America
 *|*  Wasps: The Astonishing Diversity of a Misunderstood Insect

The Bees in Your Backyard
*|*  The Solitary Bees
*| * The Lives of Bees
*|* Following the Wild Bees

Bumble Bees of North America
*| *The Bee: A Natural History
<https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780691182476/the-bee> *
|*  Honeybee

Field Guide to the Flower Flies of Northeastern North America
*|* Butterfly Gardening

A Swift Guide to Butterflies of North America
*|*  The Last Butterflies
*|* Monarchs and Milkweed

Pollination: The Enduring Relationship between Plant and Pollinator

*Enter this exclusive promo code at checkout: **POLLI *(available now
through 08/31/2021). We encourage you to share this code with your members.
If possible, we’d love to see where you post it as well.

I'd be happy to work with you to facilitate a bulk purchase or promotional
book giveaway that would complement your organization’s programming. We can
even discuss opportunities for sharing content to enrich your website or
social media platforms. Kindly include Barbara Tonetti (cc'd here) on all
additional replies.

Warm Regards,

Steve Stillman

Sales Intern

Princeton University Press
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