[Pollinator] Fwd: EPA Marks National Pollinator Week, Emphasizing Commitment to Protecting Pollinators

Reed Lievers reed at pollinator.org
Tue Jun 18 10:02:01 PDT 2024

*From:* EPA Press Office <noreply at epa.mediaroom.com>
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 18, 2024 10:11 AM
*Subject:* EPA Marks National Pollinator Week, Emphasizing Commitment to
Protecting Pollinators

Issued: Jun 18, 2024 (10:05am EDT) If you wish to unsubscribe please do so
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Marks National Pollinator Week, Emp


Issued: Jun 18, 2024 (10:05am EDT)
EPA Marks National Pollinator Week, Emphasizing Commitment to Protecting

*WASHINGTON* – Yesterday, June 17, 2024, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency Administrator Michael S. Regan issued a proclamation announcing June
17-23, 2024, as National Pollinator Week. This year’s proclamation
underscores EPA’s commitment to protecting pollinators from pesticides,
including through mitigation measures for several pesticides and the
upcoming issuance of the final Herbicide Strategy to protect over 900
federally threatened and endangered species, including pollinators

“Pollinators are essential to human and ecological survival, with more than
150 food crops depending on pollinators in the United States alone,” *said
EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. *“They also help plants reproduce,
which in turn helps keep the air we breathe clean, purifies the water we
drink, and prevents erosion of the soils, protecting us from climate
disasters. Now more than ever, we must act to protect them.”

EPA has taken many steps to address the potential effects of pesticides on
pollinators. The agency proposed to register four new pesticide active
ingredients that include protections for federally listed threatened or
endangered species and for pollinators. EPA has also implemented measures
to protect listed species and their critical habitats from the effects of
three organophosphate insecticides. Those measures also help to protect

This year, EPA expects to finalize the Herbicide Strategy, which will
describe whether, how much, and where mitigations are needed to protect
listed plant species and those listed species that depend on plants,
including pollinators, from agricultural uses of most herbicides. EPA will
use this strategy to proactively adopt mitigations as part of the
registration of new herbicides and the reevaluation of currently registered
herbicides – often years before EPA is required to adopt those mitigations
under the Endangered Species Act.

In 2024, EPA also plans to release the first draft of its Insecticide
Strategy focused on minimizing impacts to listed insect species, including
many pollinators, for most insecticides.

Pollinator protection is everyone’s job. EPA remains committed to
protecting pollinators from the effects of pesticides, and will continue
working with our federal, state, and tribal partners, non-governmental
organizations, and the public to support pollinator health and habitat.

Learn more about EPA’s pollinator protection efforts and how you can help
pollinators by visiting Protecting Bees and Other Pollinators from

For further information: EPA Press Office (press at epa.gov)


Reed Lievers *(he/him)*

Partnerships and Development Coordinator

Pollinator Partnership

*reed at pollinator.org <reed at pollinator.org>* | 760.715.0430

San Francisco Bay Area, California

hq: 600 Montgomery Street, Ste 440 | San Francisco, CA 94111

pollinator.org | 415.362.1137
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