[Pollinator] Requesting pubs on pollinators of Cuscuta (dodder) species

Keng-Lou James Hung kenglou.hung at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 20:44:53 PDT 2024

Hello beeple / pollinator folks,

I hope this email finds you all well! Apologies for cross-posting.

Tom Onuferko and I are putting together a little report on the rare
Colletes and Epeolus I collected at a Cuscuta patch in central Oklahoma,
and we were wondering if anyone else has published any papers that report
floral visitors of Cuscuta? Any leads would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Dr. Keng-Lou James Hung, Assistant Professor

Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory & Oklahoma Biological Survey

The University of Oklahoma

111 East Chesapeake St., Norman, OK 73019, USA

Email: kljhung at ou.edu


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