[Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 1st Sunday Session Invitation- Slow - April 4 at Deli-licious

Lucas Cantin lucascantin at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 5 19:55:20 PDT 2010

This is awesome!  I knew their was a whole bunch of people who wanted this.  I like Bartie's list for homework...

Reels - Silver Spear,  St. Anne's,  Drowsy Maggie,  Merry Blacksmith

Jigs - Out On The Ocean,  Kesh Jig,  Blarney Pilgrim
Hornpipe - Boys 
of Bluehill
Also, not in the book but very often played : The 
Butterfly , Road to Lisdoonvarna

This is a great idea.

Here are some other thoughts too...

1.  The weather is getting good.  We could split into two groups on that Sunday.  There is a beautiful garden right next to the building we can use.  Again, this is  just an idea.  It might keep things from degenerating to what happened.

2.  I still like the idea of a set of tunes that are meant to be played slow.  Here is a suggestion...

Belltable Waltz, Tabhair Dom do Lamh, The long note, (in the Sessuin 1 book)
Fanny Power, Carolan's Draught, Si Bheag Si Mhor (Kingstreet book)
Brian Boru's March, The March of King Leix ( I would like to add)

So if people are interested; we could have a set list (homework), a slow list, and/or break into two???  Just thoughts here.  I know a lot of people wanted me to control or mediate the slow jam, but I felt it was like herding cats.  I want you to make the jam the way you want it.  That was always my intention.


--- On Mon, 4/5/10, Bartle <farmtwodog at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Bartle <farmtwodog at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 1st Sunday Session Invitation- Slow - April 4 at Deli-licious
To: "Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions announcement list" <santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions at lists.sonic.net>
Date: Monday, April 5, 2010, 3:27 PM

I like the idea of a core group of songs. Here are some that I have heard played in different groups around Santa Cruz through the years that I think are some of the most popular in our area:

Reels - Silver Spear,  St. Anne's,  Drowsy Maggie,  Merry Blacksmith

Jigs - Out On The Ocean,  Kesh Jig,  Blarney Pilgrim
Hornpipe - Boys of Bluehill
Also, not in the book but very often played : The Butterfly , Road to Lisdoonvarna

Slow it down so everyone can have fun!     Nibby

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 12:43 PM, Biotic Resources Group <brg at cruzio.com> wrote:

Hi all: I have been coming on and
off for about a year and I enjoy the sessions and playing the tunes. I wholeheartedly
agree with others that the songs are played too fast for a session that is
slated to be a “slow-slow” session. By default (since a lot of us
slower players have dropped out), it has become just another session for the
more advanced/faster players. And, frankly, I have also gotten to the point
that I resist saying “that’s too fast, can we play it slower?”,
especially when I hear comments such as  “that was dreadfully slow”,
“that was boring” or “I can’t play that slow”.  This
has been frustrating to me since I thought that playing the tunes slowly was
the purpose of the slow-slow session! 


I also don’t think that at a
designated slow-slow session it should be up to those who wish to play the
tunes more slowly to “tame the fasties”. The constant attempt of  “taming
the fasties” does not make the session enjoyable to me. There are two
other sessions for the fasties to go to; those who like to play the tunes more
slowly just have this one. 


I like the suggestion of during
more waltzes and airs from the big book, but for the entire session. These
slower songs are perfect for the slow-slow session and I think mixing them throughout
the session would add diversity to the session.   I also like the suggestion
of setting a metronome range for the jigs and reels. All participants can then practice
with a metronome at home at these speeds and know what to expect at the
session. If the metronome range is too slow for some, they have the option of
going to the faster sessions at the Buttery and Brit. Arms. If the metronome
range is too high for some, then we can lower it.





From: santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions-bounces+brg=cruzio.com at lists.sonic.net
[mailto:santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions-bounces+brg=cruzio.com at lists.sonic.net]
On Behalf Of Fulton-Bennett, Kim

Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 8:17 AM

To: Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions announcement list

Subject: Re: [Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 1st Sunday Session
Invitation- Slow - April 4 at Deli-licious




don't come very often, but I think the idea of having a truly "slow
speed" session is a good one. One thing I have observed is that even when
we start slow, we almost always speed up later in the song. I think it would be
very useful to find a way to keep the tempo slow throughout a song. Maybe this
means using a metronome, or perhaps following a designated
person who is able to keep a slow, steady tempo.


my 2 cents...



-----Original Message-----

From: santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions-bounces+kfb=mbari.org at lists.sonic.net
[mailto:santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions-bounces+kfb=mbari.org at lists.sonic.net]On
Behalf Of Lucas Cantin

Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:06 PM

To: Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions announcement list

Subject: Re: [Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 1st Sunday Session
Invitation- Slow - April 4 at Deli-licious

  The session was created with slow players in mind.  I
  think with some minor modifications and a vocal group of slow players, we can
  'tame' the 'fasties' for the first Sunday.


  Let's keep the dialogue going.


  Also, I wanted to contact Pauli if I could.




  --- On Sun, 4/4/10, weathercaller at aol.com <weathercaller at aol.com>

  From: weathercaller at aol.com <weathercaller at aol.com>

  Subject: Re: [Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 1st Sunday Session Invitation
  - Slow - April 4 at Deli-licious

  To: santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions at lists.sonic.net

  Date: Sunday, April 4, 2010, 10:35 PM
  only come a couple of times over the past year and a half or so, partly due
  to the distance but also partly because of the speed with which the tunes
  have been played when I have been there.  Everyone was very welcoming
  and friendly, but I ended up with exactly the same impression as indicated
  below -- most of the folks there were people who've been playing for
  much longer than I have, and seemingly treating it more as another
  opportunity to play than as an opportunity to bring in us much slower-speed
  beginners.  Perhaps part of the problem too is that "slow"
  isn't really well-defined; it covers a vast range.  So by slow are we
  talking 75 bpm or 105 bpm?  Either way though my impression was that
  whatever was intended, things always seemed to drift upwards towards what I
  think of as dance speed, or around 115-120 -- and that's way out of my
  league.  Maybe we need both a "slow session" and a
  "really slow" session!
  really like the suggestions of (a) starting off with some waltzes and airs
  and (b) defining a core set of ~ 10 jigs or reels that would be played every
  time.  I'm not as wild though about the approach of having the person
  choosing the tune set the speed -- as unless that individual happens to be
  among us slower players, we're just going to be left out a lot of the time. 
  Rather I think it would be better to simply to define a speed or at least
  narrower range of speeds that all the tunes will be played at -- say
  something like in the ballpark of 85-90 bpm before the break and 95-100 bpm
  afterwards (or do we need a separately-convened "really slow"
  session to do something like that)?
  -----Original Message-----

  From: Janet Platin <janetplatin at yahoo.com>

  To: Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions announcement list
  <santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions at lists.sonic.net>

  Sent: Fri, Apr 2, 2010 11:15 am

  Subject: Re: [Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 1st Sunday Session Invitation
  - Slow - April 4 at Deli-licious
  have some questions/observations about the slowest session . It
  seems like the people who show up most dependably are people who have been
  coming a long time and want another opportunity to play. Have we lost
  the slow people, because not enough tunes are slow or is it just the usual
  ebb and flow of session attendence? 
  session rules say that the person choosing the tune sets the speed. Do we
  follow that rule in this particular slow session? Do we mean that every tune
  needs to be played at a speed that meets the ability of the slowest player or
  that if you are a slow player, you can set a very slow speed and know that
  that is acceptable in this group?
  does seem like a good idea to start with the waltzes and the airs, but that
  not what we usually play. How about having a set list of 10 jigs and
  reels that everyone should know and will definitely be played each
  slow session. That would give slower players a head start. They could
  practice the big 10 and maybe the new slow would be a speed everyone would
  feel comfortable with. 
  you were to combine the start of watzes and airs and with the 10 and
  then let the rest of the session be whatever a session usually is,
  you would have something that would meet the needs of both groups.
  the other hand, that means a lot more structure than we are used to having.
  some thoughts.

  From: Lucas Cantin
  <lucascantin at yahoo.com>

  To: Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions announcement list
  <santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions at lists.sonic.net>

  Sent: Thu, April 1, 2010 3:12:44 PM

  Subject: Re: [Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 1st Sunday Session
  Invitation - Slow - April 4 at Deli-licious
    Hey Tane',


    I checked and  they will be open for Easter Sunday. 


     I also wanted to put a question out there.  It seems that we
    have lost a lot of our beginners.  I had an idea of having a set list
    for a half an hour before the normal session of slow only tunes. 
    Waltzes and Airs.  This would help everyone.  What do people
    think about this??  The idea would be to have the half hour set list
    play from 12:30 to 1p.  Our group seems to avoid playing anything
    slow.  This jam was created for the players who weren't comfortable
    with the normal tempo.


    As before, people can always request to play the song called for at a
    slower speed.


    This seems to be a difficult problem.


    --- On Thu, 4/1/10, Tane' Tachyon <tachyon at tachyonlabs.com>

    From: Tane' Tachyon <tachyon at tachyonlabs.com>

    Subject: [Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 1st Sunday Session Invitation -
    Slow - April 4 at Deli-licious

    To: "Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions email list"
    <santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions at lists.sonic.net>

    Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 12:49 PM
    The next first-Sunday-of-the-month slow session will be
    this Sunday,

    April 4, from 1-3pm, at Deli-licious, 21505 E. Cliff Drive, in the

    East Cliff Village Shopping Center. April 4 is Easter Sunday, but I

    did call Deli-licious and confirm that they will be open.


    When I went to this session it was really nice -- everyone was having

    a great time, fine food from the deli, people walking in and

    applauding, and so on. Click below to see a picture of what the

    session looked like from the front door of Deli-licious:



    Copies of the tuneset books generally used at slow session are sold

    for $15, and you can now download and print the 1006-tune "King

    Street Sessions Tunebook" for free at


    -- many thanks to Michael Long for putting the book together and now

    putting it online as well!


    For a news bulletin, at last month's 1st-Sunday session someone heard

    the music and hired the group for a paid St. Patrick's Day gig.

    -- Tane' Tachyon = tachyon at tachyonlabs.com = http://www.tachyonlabs.com/

    Click below to sponsor me in the May 8 "Human Race" Walkathon

    benefitting AFE and many other Santa Cruz non-profit organizations!



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