[Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 4th-Sunday moderate session at The Poet & Patriot, Jan. 28 from 3-5pm

Tané Tachyon tachyon at tachyonlabs.com
Fri Jan 26 09:34:08 PST 2018

It's time for January's 4th-Sunday moderate-speed session at The
Poet & Patriot Irish Pub!

The Poet & Patriot
320 Cedar St. in downtown Santa Cruz
January 28, 3-5pm

Janet says, "We welcome singers and musicians who sing and play in the
Irish style. This would be a great session for those learning to play a
second instrument. We will play mostly, but not exclusively from the
King Street Session Tune book. These are available for purchase for $15.
Musicians are welcome to use sheet music."

Note that The Poet & Patriot is for ages 21 and up only.
Tané Tachyon = tachyon at tachyonlabs.com = http://tachyonlabs.com/

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