[Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] 2nd-Sunday slow session at JJ's house, November 11 from 3-5pm

Tané Tachyon tachyon at tachyonlabs.com
Sat Nov 10 14:08:45 PST 2018

JJ says, "We'll be meeting at J J's house every 2nd and 4th sunday,
from 3:00 to 5:00. At the last session, the members of the slow
sessions group voted to do this until such time as we can find a
public space."

Sunday, November 11, 3-5pm
90 Brookwood Dr., Santa Cruz

"If you get lost, my cell phone is 831-227-6449."

"There are several Brookwood sts. in Santa Cruz county. The one I live
on is near Harbor High School."

"Also, I'm attaching a map to my house because GPS often doesn't get
it right and sends you the wrong way on a one-way road. The directions
on the map send people to the lower driveway, which goes to my office.
but the session will be at the main house, off the upper driveway."

You can see JJ's map at https://photos.app.goo.gl/oGpaQSTRDMCHFvAB7
Tané Tachyon (she/her) = tachyon at tachyonlabs.com = http://tachyonlabs.com/

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