[Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] October sessions

Tina Carlsen amsinckia at aol.com
Sun Oct 16 14:04:28 PDT 2022

Sorry to spam everyone, but I seemed to have lost JJ's address, and would like to attend today.
Could someone send me the address?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Padula <tjpadula at earthlink.net>
To: Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions announcement list <santa_cruz_celtic_slow_sessions at lists.sonic.net>
Sent: Thu, Sep 29, 2022 6:18 pm
Subject: [Santa Cruz Celtic Slow Sessions] October sessions

Hi, all-

Just a reminder that this month's sessions will be at the usual times and places, that is, on October 2nd and 16th at JJ's house from 3-5PM.

I hope to see you there!


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