[Pollinator] NY Bee Wellness Newsletter with SURVEY RESULTS Summer 2016

Pat seawaytrailhoney at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 03:47:20 PDT 2016

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|  Summer bee info!

|  View this newsletter in your browser(Click)  |



|  NY Bee Wellness Workshops, NYBeeWellness.org, an educational nonprofit program to teach beekeepers honey bee disease recognition & to promote honey bee health.
USDA NIFA Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program,
Grant # 2011-494400-30631  |



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|  NY Bee Wellness  Newsletter /Summer 2016
with the Spring 2016 Survey RESULTS    
Click on blue underlined links for more info  |



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   - Fight the Mite! Check your mite levels
   - 2 year Project for NYS
   - Randy Oliver Workshop Aug 5-7
   - Spring 2016 Spring Survey results
   - Queens and Nucs
   - European Foulbrood 

   - NY Pollinator Week
   - NYS Pollinator Protection Plan
   - Apiary Industry Advisory Committee
   - How to submit comments!.
   - Links
   - Donate!


|  Fight the Mite!  Now is the time to start checking for varroa levels in your colonies and how to manage them. Remember that mite numbers start to explode in August and September, and may rebound in October, as they did last year.Methods for assessing your mite levels are shown on the NY Bee Wellness page.  |



|  2 Year Project for New York StateNY Bee Wellness has partnered with Cornell University and the Cornell Cooperative Extension to wage a 2 year campaign to reduce the varroa mites in beehives:Fight the MITE!Beekeepers from throughout New York State have enrolled in the program to use and assess 2 new organic friendly formulations, oxalic acid and Hopguard II, for use in beehives.
Part of the program includes webinars, workshops, surveys, and outreach to teach beekeepers how to control varroa.

The project is set to commence in late Fall 2016 when treatments for the mites are the most effective (November and December).

Our goal is 10,000 dollars to meet the first milestone of the program. Your help is needed to finance this project (GoFundMe) through donations- all donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!  |


|  NY Bee Wellness Workshop
at Cornell University with
*Randy Oliver and
*Meghan Milbrath of Michigan State 
also *Al Avitable *Aaron Morris
*Emma Mullen of Cornell University

   |   | August 6: Lecture and demo on the topic of honey bee disease, covering American Foulbrood, European Foulbrood, nosema, varroa and tracheal mites, viruses and other bee maladies.
 Emphasis is on practical testing and diagnosis, and management, geared for beginning/intermediate level beekeepers, but beneficial for all serious beekeepers
 Cost 50.00
 August 5: There is an additional evening session on Friday, August 5 from 7-9pm with a talk, discussion, and Q&A
 Cost 20.00 |

  Location: Dyce Lab 209 Freese Rd. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850
Advance sale tickets only please, no walk-ins.
Register online
Payment by credit card (EventBrite),
Pay Pal, or Money Order
   |   | NY Bee Wellness
 POB 25291 Rochester NY 14625
  info at nybeewellness.org |585-820-6619
  NYBeeWellness.org |






|       Results for the SPRING 2016 SURVEY are now available, please use the web link, which is also on the NY Bee Wellness home page. It includes regional  data.
 Thank you to all who have completed the survey!
|  300 Non-migratory beekeepers reported, from 57 of 62 counties in New York State
 3267- Total number of bee colonies in November 2015; average of 11 hives per beekeeper
 2498- Total number of bee colonies in April 2016; average of 8 hives per beekeeper
 24%- Average loss of colonies during the winter of 2015-2016 (total 769 hives lost).
 The loss for the Winter of 2014-2015 was 28%
 The loss for the Winter of 2013-2014 was 48%.
 Most notable: almost 1/3 (32.2%) of 2016 respondents had zero winter loss, possible factors: a mild winter, and favorable honey crop in 2015. Some lost hives during the Spring frosts.
 -For the winter of 2014-2015, 15.7% of respondents had zero loss. |



|  Beekeepers overwintering nucleus colonies- (23% of respondents) had 27% Loss of overwintered nucs |


The results may also assist those who are conducting classes for or providing mentoring to other beekeepers.
Please send any comments, suggestions, or questions.

Please watch for the 2016 NY Bee Wellness Fall Survey.
For the results of previous NY Bee Wellness surveys (click), or please see the website (NYBeeWellness.org). Remember, there are also results broken down by regions within New York State.
Questions? : info at nybeewellness.org
Thank you!



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|  Since so many beekeepers have beehives that made it through the winter, they should think about making nucs and raising queens. There is a positive, increasing trend among small scale beekeepers in NY for raising their own bees. This helps to increase the numbers of local resistant bees, replace winter losses, and save beekeepers money!For easy queen rearing see:Randy Oliver's webpage “Queens for Pennies”Also read the “Essential” series by Wicwas Press: Queen Rearing Essentials, Increase EssentialsNuc making resources:

Dave Cushman “Two Frame Nuc” http://www.dave-cushman.net/bee/twoframenuc.html

Kirk Webster's Thoughts on Nucs

- The Nuts and Bolts of Splits and Nucs- Jim & Pat Haskell (PDF)  |


|  Spotlight on European Foulbrood! 

Primarily a stress disease, it may be brought on by droughtEuropean foulbrood (EFB) is a bacterial brood disease. Itis considered a stress disease and is most prevalent in spring and early summer. It frequently disappears with a nectar flow. Occasionally, the disease remains active throughout the entire foraging season.
EFB generally kills larvae that are two to four days old while they are still C shaped in the bottom of the cells. Unlike American foulbrood, most of the larvae die before their cells are capped. A spotty pattern of capped and uncapped cells develops only when EFB becomes serious. 
The larvae change from a normal pearly white to yellowish, then to brown, and finally to grayish black. Infected larvae lose their plump appearance and look undernourished. Their breathing tubes, or tracheae, are visible as distinct white lines. Larval remains often appear twisted or melted to the bottom side of the cell. EFB usually does not kill colonies, but a heavy infection can seriously affect population growth.

To confirm diagnosis, send a sample of comb with brood to the  USDA Beltsville Bee Lab; you can also order the VITA EFB Kit for immediate results.https://beeinformed.org/2013/04/05/european-foulbrood-efb-identification/  Honey Bees and their Maladies (Penn State) http://articles.extension.org/pages/23693/european-foulbrood:-a-bacterial-disease-affecting-honey-bee-brood   |



|  Government and Bees* Governor Cuomo proclaims June 20-26 NY Pollinator week; Proclamation (pdf)
 * NYS Pollinator Protection Plan-A 44 page report, released June 14, 2016, PDF * NYS Apiary Industry Advisory Committee (AIAC) meets this summer“The duties and responsibilities of the apiary industry advisory committee shall include providing advice, comments, and recommendations to the commissioner in regard to state government plans, policies, and programs affecting the apiary industry and such other matters as the commissioner may request in relation to this article.” 
Submitting comments to the AIAC:Although many do not know, the AIAC has been meeting for many years. In an effort to make this group more inclusive, several new members have been appointed; I will be one of new members of the committee. I am waiting for details concerning the agenda of the next meeting. Send me any comments or suggestions regarding the State of New York and beekeeping. Tell me if you wish to remain anonymous. Please look over the new Pollinator Protection Plan (see page 29 and appendix A).Comments can include suggestions regarding: marketing honey and honey products, education, outreach, mandatory hive registration, inspection of queens and bees for sale in NY, etc. Ideas stating how your suggestions could implemented are helpful. I will post info as it becomes available.                            Thank you
                                   -Pat Bono, info at nybeewellness.org  |


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|  * www.pollinator.cals.cornell.edu

* BEE HEALTH AP- Download the free Bee Health app from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry today.

* Randy Oliver's updates to his website, http://scientificbeekeeping.com/

*OSU recorded Webinars (Ohio State University)  *Honey Bee Colonies,National Agricultural Statistics Service, May 12 2016

*Be sure to check the Bee Health eXtension website, which includes the "Ask an Expert" option.

*Subscribe to Bee-L, a list serve for Informed Discussion of Beekeeping Issues and Bee Biology

***If you have an article, photos, or other info to share, please send to:
info at nybeewellness.org



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Please consider donating to further more educational programs and outreach.  NY Bee Wellness is listed on Guidestar and can be eligible for employer matching funds. Every dollar helps! Additional fundraisers are t-shirts, hats, and books.
Shopping on Amazon? Use this link and Amazon will donate to NY Bee Wellness at no cost to you!
Donations can also be sent to:
NY Bee Wellness POB 25291 Rochester NY 14625

NY Bee Wellness is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
            - Pat Bono, Project Director, NY Bee Wellness
                            NYBeeWellness at gmail.com



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|  Penn State Field Guide: Honey Bees and Their Maladies;
25.00 plus 2.00 S/H  |



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|  New York Honey ball caps
Printed 17.00 s/h incl


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|  With your gift of 15.00 or more to NY Bee Wellness, you will receive a 39" double sided Beekeeper Poster!  |




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|  Newsletter feedback survey link:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J5XG2VT  |



|  Copyright © 2015 NY Bee Wellness, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
POB 25291 Rochester NY 14625






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