[Pollinator] Colorado's designated Interstate 76 as a "Pollinator Highway"

Matthew Shepherd matthew.shepherd at xerces.org
Fri May 12 13:58:32 PDT 2017

A nice bit of news: Colorado has designated I-76 as “Colorado Pollinator



Link to Resolution:


 *Resolution designates Interstate 76 as Colorado’s first “Pollinator

      DENVER – Colorado became friendlier to pollinators this week by
passing the “Colorado Pollinator Highway” Resolution HJR 1029. The
Resolution sponsored by Representative KC Becker and Senator Jerry
Sonnenberg passed both the House and Senate unanimously and designates
Interstate 76 from the Nebraska state line to Arvada, Colorado. The
designation will allow better vegetation management, education and outreach
to support pollinator habitat along the roadway.

"Restoring and managing roadsides is vital if we hope to bring back
pollinators," said Jennifer Hopwood of the Xerces Society. "We are
delighted that the Colorado Department of Transportation and the State of
Colorado are stepping up to help in this important effort."

Using existing tools and programs, the resolution directs the Colorado
Department of Transportation to designate Interstate 76 as the Colorado
Pollinator Highway. This allows the department to accept gifts, grants or
donations to install signage for public education. The measure will also
direct CDOT to coordinate with local governments, willing landowners and
other groups to utilize Integrated Roadside Vegetative Management
strategies to develop pollinator habitat where appropriate. These efforts
have been found to save state transportation agencies money as the
maintenance needs of pollinator habitat are very low.

 “The designation will advance Colorado efforts to expand and improve
habitat on the I-76 transportation corridor emphasizing coordination and
outreach. We hope I-76 will become a model for others to follow in our
quest to help pollinators and better manage the indigenous plants along our
corridors. We admire the decision by our state government to see the need
to promote integrated vegetation management by passing this resolution. It
will be a privilege to work with I-76 CDOT Maintenance and Operations and
the community to implement the intent of the resolution” said Michael
Banowich of the Colorado Department of Transportation.

Colorado is home to over 950 native bee species, butterflies and other
insect pollinators, all of which are vital to our state’s economy, food
security, and environmental health. Nationwide, Honeybee pollination alone
adds more than $15 billion in value to our agricultural crops each year,
and provides the backbone to ensuring our diets are plentiful and varied.
“Unfortunately, pollinator populations have been declining rapidly due to
multiple stressors. “Among these stressors is habitat loss and
fragmentation and a lack of availability of forage. A diverse and thriving
pollinator population supports agriculture and a diverse ecosystem and
there are simple tools we can engage to expand pollinator habitat in
Colorado,” said Beth Conrey of People and Pollinators Action Network and
past president of the Colorado State Beekeepers Association. “One area that
provides an ideal opportunity is our state roadways and how we manage them.”

David Julie, Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Colorado Native
Plant Society said that, “Colorado's bounty of native wildflowers supports
and depends upon healthy, diverse populations of animal pollinators.  The
Colorado Native Plant Society appreciates that this resolution highlights
the essential role of pollinators and the need to protect them.”

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