[atariparty] Venue search: story so far

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sat Jan 30 00:06:53 PST 2010

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 01:13:12PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> * VMC:    MPR + Club     (6400sqft / 520ppl) = $1158
> * Senior: MRP + Valente  (6244sqft / 475ppl) = $1194
> * Senior: MRP + Activity (5886sqft / 450ppl) = $1140

Divide these prices by 2 and that's the community group rate.
A comm. group is either 1. a 501(c) non-profit, 2. a local
chapter of a larger non-profit, or 3. a UC Davis student

I'm cofounder & current pres. of the local Linux User Group,
which is a 501(c)7, and I'm asking if they'd be willing
to sponsor the ecent by acting as a wrapper org. (at no
cost to them, and in return for the publicity).

It's not TOTALLY off-topic, since there are numerous open source
Atari emulators, compilers, eyc., as well as ways for
Linux and Atari systems to hook up (e.g. StellAdapter,
SIO2PC, etc.)

Aside from one long-tume member encouraging me to ask un
the first place, there's been zero response... dunno if
that's good or bad. :^/

That said, I still need to come up wuth approx. $600 to
pay for one of these two venues, if I cannot find an alternative.
Any ideas on how to raise funds?

In the meantime, I seem to have very quickly come up with
something like $575 or so worth of give-aways for a raffle!

Thanks in advance,

Sent from my computer

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