[HECnet] House heater anyone?

Mark Wickens mark at wickensonline.co.uk
Fri Jul 8 23:42:51 PDT 2011

On 08/07/11 23:25, Mark Benson wrote:
On 8 Jul 2011, at 22:44, Sampsa Laine wrote:

Realistically what would it draw, compared to say an Alphaserver 4100 with two BA365s, fully populated?

I've got some space in a rack in my machine room, with air conditioning :)
I'm not sure about the AlphaServer, but A rx6000 with 2 Itanium 2 single core units draws 340-370 Watts and kicks out monster amounts of heat for a 2U.

If you want to effectively virtualise OpenVMS you'd be way better off running small x86_64 VMs with an Alpha or VAX emulator on a multi-core x86_64 server. Cost weighting of purchase vs. running costs makes way more sense.

I've been reprogramming a DECserver 90M, and using it to connect to fafner.dyndns.org which is a mighty fine VAX and nicely configured with my kind of software.

Using someone else's machine that is running 24/7 as opposed to your own suddenly feels like you are doing the world a favor by sharing resources, rather than running a machine yourself.

Mind, having said that, the AS1000A+BA356 in the basement needs turning off...

Regards, Mark.

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