[HECnet] Mac terminal issues...

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Sun Jul 3 21:32:09 PDT 2011

On 2011-07-03 13.51, Mark Benson wrote:

I use a Mac OS X machine and the native Terminal.app with telnet or SSH to access my OpenVMS boxen. Fior the most par tit works fine with a VT100 terminal emulation to the VMS terminal. I have a problem with EVE however. Mac's do something silly with the numeric keypad, it's locked to numbers (rather than scroll) and the Numlock key doesn't do anything sensible. As a result using the 'GOLD' key and pretty much all the action keys in EVE becomes impossible. Anyone got any suggestions, or am I just going to have to wing it or use my Linux box?

Skip iTerm, and run xterm instead. You'll get all keys working the way you would expect. (I do this all the time on my Macs.)


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