INFO.TXT, was Re: [HECnet] UPDATE: HECNET.HLP file for VMS systems

Johnny Billquist bqt at
Sat Dec 29 19:19:39 PST 2012

On 2012-12-30 04:16, sampsa at wrote:

Ok. But how do you pull the INFO.TXT files from other machines here?
I can see that you can pull files out using ftp, and then process them on your Unix machine, and put the result back, but there are some DECnet operations in here...

Yeah, RHESUS does the DECNET stuff - I actually screen scrape the results of

So there are DECNET operations, but the results are delivered over HTTP :)

Yikes! Well, that works, I guess. :-)

I'm sure we could throw something native together in no time, and make it totally internal to rhesus... :-)


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