[HECnet] RSTS/E + DECNET 4.1

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Oct 29 23:14:32 PDT 2012

On 10/30/2012 02:10 AM, Cory Smelosky wrote:
I want to try out a VAXstation some time, I started on a pentium
running windows 95, so I missed quite a bit of history. ;)

  Come bring me some good trading fodder and you can take home a VAXstation.

How long did you use the Sun3? And did you run SunOS on it? ;)

  Of course.   I ran a Sun3/50 for a few years, then a 4/110, then a
SPARCstation-1+, then a SPARCstation-IPX...then...jeeze, dozens of
machines.   Dozens.   Continuing to this day; the central computer here is
a Sun Fire V480, whose (large) workload is slowly being migrated to a
T1000. (which may get upgraded to a T2000 before the migration is complete)

  Suns have done all the heavy lifting for me for nigh on twenty years now.

(I think it might be bad that Suns immediately remind me of

  Yeah.   I know a bunch of those guys.   Most of them hate *everything*. ;)

As my NAS currently runs in a VM, I'd need to upgrade the host a bit
to give it 8G (the host has 12G, and I get kinda nervous without
insane amounts of RAM free for future expansion) Also, why not use it
for /var?! You NEED that level of redundancy for storing X session
errors ;)

  Yeah, that's it! ;)


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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