[HECnet] EISNER::and HECnet

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Thu Oct 3 00:17:14 PDT 2013

On 2013-10-02 23:58, Sampsa Laine wrote:

On 2 Oct 2013, at 23:50, Johnny Billquist <bqt at softjar.se> wrote:

Good to hear that! Something I've been considering for a while is that if they were to join, should we invite their whole userbase to the HECnet mailing list or possibly just the EISNER adminds?

Uh? God no! I think anyone who are interested should subscribe themself anyway, and let the rest be.

I wasn't suggesting that at all, in fact the next paragraph states the opposite quite clearly.

Yes, but even the suggestion... :-)

I personally think the admins would make a better choice, there are lists like DECTEK for general DEChead stuff.

I think that should be entirely up to them.
You could perhaps create a notes group for HECnet on EISNER?

As for admins being on the mailing list, this could be useful but of course mandatory.

Same as for being on HECnet in general. I'm not sure all people who have nodes on HECnet are even on the list. And lots of people are on the list without having any nodes.

Brian, if we get this going, how do I create a new NOTES group?
(I'm a total NOTES n00b)

Should be easy. I've not properly used NOTES in about 25 years, but running it on a TTY, there should be help enough. And I would expect the web interface to have some easy click and shoot thingys. Just look around.


Johnny Billquist                                   || "I'm on a bus
                                                                  ||   on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se                         ||   Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                                         ||   tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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