[HECnet] EISNER::and HECnet

Sampsa Laine sampsa at mac.com
Wed Oct 2 22:58:51 PDT 2013

On 2 Oct 2013, at 23:50, Johnny Billquist <bqt at softjar.se> wrote:

Good to hear that! Something I've been considering for a while is that if they were to join, should we invite their whole userbase to the HECnet mailing list or possibly just the EISNER adminds?

Uh? God no! I think anyone who are interested should subscribe themself anyway, and let the rest be.

I wasn't suggesting that at all, in fact the next paragraph states the opposite quite clearly.

I personally think the admins would make a better choice, there are lists like DECTEK for general DEChead stuff.

I think that should be entirely up to them.
You could perhaps create a notes group for HECnet on EISNER?

As for admins being on the mailing list, this could be useful but of course mandatory.

Brian, if we get this going, how do I create a new NOTES group? 
(I'm a total NOTES n00b)

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