[Pollinator] A rosy view of climate change and butterflies

Matthew Shepherd (Xerces Society) mdshepherd at xerces.org
Tue Dec 13 16:17:38 PST 2005

For an up-beat view on the impact of increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 on butterflies, read the article on the CO2 Science web site at http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2ScienceB2C/subject/i/summaries/butterflies.jsp. It seems that climate change will only bring good things for butterflies.

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Protecting wildlife through science-based advocacy, education, 
and conservation projects since 1971. To join the Society, make a 
contribution, or read about our work, please visit www.xerces.org.

Matthew Shepherd
Director, Pollinator Conservation Program
4828 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland, OR 97215, USA
Tel: 503-232 6639 Fax: 503-233 6794
Email: mdshepherd at xerces.org 

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