[Pollinator] Mullin et al 2010 article on Agrochemicals in apiaries

Mace Vaughan mace at xerces.org
Mon Mar 29 10:12:54 PDT 2010

Results of recent investigations into the agrochemicals found inside bee




Mace Vaughan
Pollinator Program Director, Entomologist/Educator 
Joint Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the
     USDA-NRCS West National Technology Support Center

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
4828 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR  97215-3252 USA
office: 503-232-6639  fax: 503-233-6794  

mobile: 503-753-6000  NRCS: 503-273-2442
email:  mace at xerces.org  

Find all the information you need to conserve pollinator habitat at:


The Xerces Society is an international, nonprofit organization that 

protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their 

habitat. To join the Society, make a contribution, or read about our 

work, please visit http://www.xerces.org/ <http://www.xerces.org/> 


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