[Pollinator] Fwd: [beemonitoring] Bee Monitoring Paper [2 Attachments]

Ladadams at aol.com Ladadams at aol.com
Fri Apr 22 11:09:25 PDT 2011

 From: rgrundel at usgs.gov
To: beemonitoring at yahoogroups.com
Sent:  4/22/2011 7:18:56 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: [beemonitoring] Bee  Monitoring Paper [2 Attachments]

[_Attachment(s)_ (mip://0627e7e0/default.html#TopText)  from Ralph  Grundel 
included below]  

Our Bee Master (aka Sam) suggested I pass  along my recently published 
paper on bee monitoring (Grundel, R., K. J.  Frohnapple, R. P. Jean, and N. B. 
Pavlovic. 2011. Effectiveness of pan  trapping and netting for inventory of a 
bee community. Environmental  Entomology  40:374-380) - a reasonable 
suggestion, it seems, for a  listserv on bee monitoring. 

This paper is based on a study of bee community  ecology that we carried 
out in northwest Indiana, mainly at Indiana Dunes  National Lakeshore (see 
Grundel, R., R. P. Jean, K. J. Frohnapple, G. A.  Glowacki, P. E. Scott, and N. 
B. Pavlovic. 2010. Floral and nesting resources,  habitat structure, and 
fire influence bee distribution across an open-forest  gradient. Ecological 
Applications 20:1678-1692 for a summary of the  main study - I'm attaching it 
as well, if you're interested).  In the  attached monitoring paper, we 
address several questions that bee monitors  likely ponder, including how much of 
an effort would it likely take to  document every species present in an 
area (for the moderate size bee fauna of  northwest Indiana, the answer is 
you'd have to collect a lot of bees to pick  up 100% of the species likely 
present).  We also ask how netting and bowl  collecting seem to compare in 
picking up species and how different ways of  increasing the number of bowls one 
puts out on a survey (more transects per  day sampled, more days sampled per 
survey, more bowl colors included in  surveys, more habitats sampled per 
survey) might affect the rate at which  species are accumulated in a survey for 
a given number of bees  collected. 


Ralph Grundel    
U.S. Geological Survey              
1100 N. Mineral Springs Road
Porter, IN 46304   

e-mail:  rgrundel at usgs.gov
Phone: 219-926-8336, ext 422 

Attachment(s) from  Ralph Grundel 
2 of 2 File(s)  
_Grundel  et al (2011) Env Entomology.pdf_ 

_Grundel  et al (Ecological Applications) 2010.pdf_ 

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