[Pollinator] Another way to support H.R. 2692: Saving America’s Pollinators Act of 2013

Carla Porter carlaevporter at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 26 15:10:24 PDT 2013

If you select "Support" of HR 2692 on POPVOX (click on link below), it will automatically send an Email to your legislator(s) providing sample text and offering the opportunity to add a personal message.  It's free to create an account.  And please note that no organization is currently "endorsing" this bill, so it could use an endorsement from someone.  

Current standings for HR 2692:  80% Support (16 users), 20% Oppose (4 users).

"SUPPORT" H.R. 2692: Saving America’s Pollinators Act of 2013 on POPVOX
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