[Pollinator] SNACKS & FACTS: Honeybees, Pollinators, and the Veterinary Feed Directive: What's the Buzz?

Tom Van Arsdall tva at pollinator.org
Thu Sep 7 05:50:10 PDT 2017





 <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdoiGpe0tYDWlBCifZrMMY4pSr8He_T6vUq4soFjLvFtM_Tg/viewform> REGISTER NOW 


You’re invited to a hill seminar on Thursday, September 14th. Please register using the link above. 


Two Opportunities

10-11 am, Rayburn House Office Building, room 2103, Hosted by Congressional Veterinary Medicine Caucus. Coffee and Donuts will be available.


3-4 pm, Russel Senate Office Building, room 385. Hosted by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand & Susan Collins. Cupcakes and Cookies will be available. 


SNACKS & FACTS: Honeybees, Pollinators, and the Veterinary Feed Directive: What's the Buzz?

Pollinators need our help more than ever. The number of honeybee hives in the U.S. has declined from 6 million during the 1940s to only about 2.5 million today. Honeybees are the nation’s primary pollinators, adding at least $15 billion a year in value to about 90 crops including nuts, fruits, berries and vegetables, which add color, taste and texture to our diet.


This presentation will address the ecology of pollinators, particularly the honeybee, the physiological pressures on pollinators and offer some solutions. The role of veterinarians in pollinator/honeybee health will be addressed, as will why a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) is required for some medications to treat certain bee diseases. Veterinarians play an important role in protecting food safety as well as public health and animal welfare by overseeing the use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals, per the FDA’s Guidance for Industry #209, which phases out using antibiotics for growth promotion in food animals. On June 3, 2015, the FDA finalized its VFD final rule, which mandates how medically important antibiotics given to food animals are to be used and distributed to livestock producers.



Dr. Terry Ryan Kane DVM, MS, UIC.  <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-jk0qc8m3rwWFJZdXJ5a0xzSXc> Click here for speaker bio



American Veterinary Medical Association, Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, Pollinator Partnership, American Beekeeping Federation, American Honey Producers Federation



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R. Thomas (Tom) Van Arsdall

Director of Public Affairs

(703) 509-4746

 <mailto:TVA at pollinator.org> TVA at pollinator.org

 <http://www.pollinator.org/> Pollinator Partnership

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