[Pollinator] FW: Opportunity for pollinator research in Costa Rica

Kelly Rourke kr at pollinator.org
Thu Feb 7 08:51:27 PST 2019

Recently, my husband and I discovered a tropical treasure in Costa Rica. We
spent 2 days at the University of Georgia's Costa Rica campus
<http://ugacostarica.org/>, next to Monte Verde in San Luis.  Aiming to
test and model best sustainability practices, this charming mountaintop
jungle regularly hosts researchers on a variety of topics, currently
including orchid bees.  They have a nice insect collection including many
bees, butterflies and beetles.  Our activities included a night hike where
we saw some moths, but no bats, and another was a visit to a local, small
organic coffee producer, Bella Tica <http://bellaticacafe.com/>.

The campus' Manager and Associate Director, Fabricio Camacho, said they
would welcome pollinator researchers as did Oldemar Salazar, the farmer and
owner of Bella Tica. Here is Camacho's email: fabricio at uga.edu.

Oldemar told us that the peak pollinator season for coffee at these high
elevations is mid-May and his coffee's pollinators tend to be bees, bats
and butterflies. Oldemar's email is afebellatica at gmail.com.


Phyllis Stiles, Founder & Pollinator Champion

Bee City USA, An Initiative of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate


phyllis.stiles at xerces.org


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