[Pollinator] New Facebook Group of USGS Native Bee Lab

Droege, Sam sdroege at usgs.gov
Fri Jul 12 05:34:08 PDT 2019


We have created a new Facebook Group:


This group will emphasize the following Native and Non-Native Bee topics:

Natural History
Distributional Records
Monitoring Techniques
Species Information

It will not emphasize Honey Bee and BeeKeeping related topics

The focus will be on curating the many papers, posts, and topics that come
across our desks each day to highlight sound science/conservation topics
rather than rehashes of popular media posts on bees.

We will also mention all the interesting people, collections, and
activities at the Bee Lab and present information on new and interesting
records of bee species that one would not normally post to email listservs.

Feel free to pass this information on to others.



Going south, we watched spring
unroll like a proper novel:
forsythia, dogwood, rose;
bare trees, green lace, full shade.
By the time we arrived in Georgia
the complications were deep.
When we drove back, we read
from back to front. Maroon went wild,
went scarlet, burned once more
and then withdrew into pink,
tentative, still in bud.
I thought if only we could go on
and meet again, shy as strangers.

        - Lisel Mueller
*How Can you Save the Bees if You Don't Even Know Our Names?*
*- Bee*
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